Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0350-2899 ( Print )   |   2406-1042 ( Online )   Active

Journal Timocki Medicinski Glasnik

Aim & Scope

Timocki Medicinski Glasnik / Timok medical journal is one of the oldest magazines in Serbia, which has been continuously published since its founding in 1976. It has been credited by distinguished professors and academics as authors and reviewers. The journal gives special space to young researchers. The Timok Medical Gazette is listed by the Ministry of Science in the M52 category (scientific journal of national importance; 1.5 points) and is published 4 times a year. Since 2002, there has also been an electronic version of the journal where the papers are available as a whole. The journal features a double-blind review by experts in specific fields of medicine and related scientific fields. By publishing in our journal, the first author receives 6 KME points, the first 6 co-authors 1 point each, and the others 6 0.5 points each. The Timok medical journal publishes previously unpublished scientific and professional papers in all fields of medicine and related scientific fields. Original papers, case reports, review articles, medical history and health culture articles, book, magazine and picture book submissions are accepted for publication. Proceedings of the journal are published in the supplements of the Timok medical days abstracts, as well as other professional and scientific conferences held in the organization of the Zajecar branch of SLD. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 49, ISSUES 1-2
7 RESULTS in 26 msec

Meteorism and abdominal distension

Z Joksimović , D Bastać , S Pavlović

Timocki Medicinski Glasnik , 2024 - VOLUME 49, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 14-23.


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Melanonychia as a diagnostic challenge

M Jandrić-Kočič

Timocki Medicinski Glasnik , 2024 - VOLUME 49, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 23-29.


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Case report: tonsillar cancer

E Stojković , T Stefanović

Timocki Medicinski Glasnik , 2024 - VOLUME 49, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 29-32.


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Doctor Vojislav Subotić: Life and work of the founder of Serbian surgery

J Horvat , R Kravić , V Petković , ... , E Stojković

Timocki Medicinski Glasnik , 2024 - VOLUME 49, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 40-44.


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