Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2199-3246 ( Print )   |   2199-3254 ( Online )   Active

Journal Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education

Aim & Scope

This journal chronicles the effort to understand and enhance changes in the nature of worthwhile mathematical work that can be performed by learning, teachers and practitioners with digital technologies. The new journal continues an effort begun by Seymour Papert in the original International Journal of Computers for Mathematics Learning (IJCML), founded in 1995. Now, as then, increasingly powerful computational environments are stimulating new thinking about the content of mathematics learning, the way it is assessed and the kinds of interactive settings in which it can be embedded. The nature of the required social and cultural changes, and the challenges of helping to bring them about, are still poorly understood. The journal provides a forum for scholarly exchange about ongoing debates on the nature of mathematical thinking, on issues of equity, cultural diversity, professional development and the very nature of mathematical thought. [1]

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