Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0204-8043 ( Print )   |   1314-2143 ( Online )   Active

Journal Folia Medica (Poland)

Aim & Scope

Thematic scope from fields - medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, public health and health care. Priority themes: etiological, molecular genetic, pathogenic, experimental, clinical and therapeutic aspects of socially significant diseases (cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, diabetes, neoplastic diseases, etc..), Reconstructive dentistry, Integrative Biology, Nutrgenomic, Ecology and Health. AIM: The magazine would continue to be solid and prestigious opportunity to promote reputable Bulgarian and European scientists. Articles with its variety of different sections of medicine / endocrinology, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, nephrology, rheumatology, surgery, orthopedics, urology, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology, ophthalmology, preventive medicine, maxillofacial surgery, medical genetics, etc. / dental, pharmacy, public health researchers to present their achievements in research and innovative diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in modern science. His journals in English and distribution in 33 countries around the world enables thousands of physicians and scientists to know the problems treated in it. The general editorial policy is to optimize the process of issuing and distribution of Folia medica in line with modern standards for current and active visible scientific periodicals - such as content, form, function. By raising the quality of Folia medica to give response to the broad scientific achievements of the Bulgarian academic and scientific community. Folia Medica is a peer-reviewed medical journal, published quarterly by Plovdiv Medical University in paper version. It is issued exclusively in English publishing review articles, original research papers, rapid communications, brief reports, case reports, and letters to the editor by Bulgarian and foreign authors. Received manuscripts are accepted for publication only after they have been rigorously reviewed by independent experts in the respective fields, the reviewers remaining anonymous to the authors. The journal is published under the strict supervision of an Editorial Board which consists of: Editor-In-Chief, Deputy Editor-In-Chief, Science Editors and Members - 33 Bulgarian and 13 foreign members (USA, Russia, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, Greece) who are all Doctors of Medical Sciences. Scope - the journal accepts materials in the following fields: medicine, dental medicine, pharmacology, public health and health care. Priority topics include: etiology, molecular genetics, pathogenetics, experimental medicine, clinical and therapeutic aspects of socially significant diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, neoplastic disorders, etc), ecology and health, reconstructive dentistry, integrative biology. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 66, ISSUE 3
20 RESULTS in 16 msec

Polyvinylidene fluoride prosthetic reinforcement in abdominal wall hernia surgery

I Ivanov , D Mitev

Folia Medica (Poland) , 2024 - VOLUME 66, ISSUE 3 , pp 356-360.


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