Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1932-2259 ( Print )   |   1932-2267 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Aim & Scope

Cancer survivorship is a worldwide concern; currently there are 13 million cancer survivors in the US alone. More and more cancer survivors are searching for legitimate sources of health information and educating themselves via the internet. In addition, the research in this area is growing rapidly and requires a forum. The Journal of Cancer Survivorship publishes basic research, systematic and meta-analytic literature reviews, clinical investigations and policy-related research that can impact the quality of care and quality of life of adult cancer survivors. The journal presents peer reviewed papers relevant to improving the understanding, prevention, and management of the multiple areas related to adult cancer survivorship that can affect quality of care, longevity and quality of life. [1]

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