Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0169-1368 ( Print )   |   1872-7360 ( Online )   Active

Journal Ore Geology Reviews

Aim & Scope

Ore Geology Reviews aims to familiarize all earth scientists with recent advances in a number of interconnected disciplines related to the study of, and search for, ore deposits. The reviews range from brief to longer contributions, but the journal preferentially publishes manuscripts that fill the niche between the commonly shorter journal articles and the comprehensive book coverages, and thus has a special appeal to many authors and readers. Ore Geology Reviews covers topics related to ''ore geology'' in its broadest sense. The following exemplifies the range of subject matter that can be described and discussed in the journal: metalliferous and non-metalliferous (industrial mineral) ore geology of all types; land-based and oceanic studies; economic geology per se; pollution studies related to exploration and mining; ore and gangue mineralogy, petrography, petrology, petrogenesis; host-rock studies; metallogeny and minerogenesis (e.g. metallotectonics); specific deposits, districts, and belts; local to regional, detailed to general or reconnaissance studies, on any scale; pure and applied studies, i.e. theoretical and practical data; methodology of any kind: laboratory-based and field-oriented; geological (including stratigraphic, structural, remote-sensing); mathematical (e.g. computer geology); geochemical, geophysical and philosophical; research and exploration techniques. [1]

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230 RESULTS in 33 msec

Exhumation of the Cuonadong Sn–W–Be polymetallic deposit, Tethyan Himalaya: Implications for exploration

No authors listed.

Ore Geology Reviews , 2024 , p 105870.


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New data-driven estimation of metal element in rocks using a hyperspectral data and geochemical data

No authors listed.

Ore Geology Reviews , 2024 , p 105877.


0 0


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
6 RESULTS in 12 msec