Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1662-4025 ( Print )   |   1662-4033 ( Online )   Active

Journal Obesity Facts

Aim & Scope

Obesity Facts publishes articles covering all aspects of obesity, in particular epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis, treatment, and the prevention of adiposity. As obesity is related to many disease processes, the journal is also dedicated to all topics pertaining to comorbidity and covers psychological and sociocultural aspects as well as influences of nutrition and exercise on body weight. The editors carefully select papers to present only the most recent findings in clinical practice and research. All professionals concerned with obesity issues will find this journal a most valuable update to keep them abreast of the latest scientific developments. Special sections comprising a variety of subspecialties reinforce the journal's value as an exhaustive record of recent progress for all internists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians, dieticians, nutritionists, bariatric surgeons, psychologists and psychiatrists, occupational health practitioners, sports medicine specialists, ecotrophologists, sociologists, and biologists as well as prevention and public health researchers. In addition, 'Obesity Facts' serves as an ideal information tool for the members of the pharmaceutical and food industry as well as those active in nutritional research and medicine. [1]

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16 RESULTS in 14 msec

Linking factors associated with Constipation in Obesity

BJ Tan , LL Chan , EK Tan , ZD Zhou

Obesity Facts , 2024 , pp 1-2.


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