Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1225-651X ( Print )   |   1976-5525 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Economic Integration

Aim & Scope

Journal of Economic Integration aims to provide relevant policy implications on the world economy that has been evolving all the time in all aspects. The Journal is founded by Dr. Choo, Myung-Gun in the second half of the 1980s who was particularly interested in the papers studying the group of economies as the object of investigation, expecting the concept of “Economic Integration” gives birth to the new phenomena. We believe that the insightful policy implications of the world economy need to be discussed in order to manage the closely integrated world economy in a more efficient and desirable way and thus hopefully hunger, poverty, and crisis become almost forgotten words in the near future. To achieve it, we need to be intellectually ready for the economic integration, with a deep understanding on the past and the present of financial, trade, and political-economic integrations. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1992  -  9999  ) Journal of Economic Integration (  1992  -  9999  ) Journal of Economic Integration
(  1986  -  1992  ) Journal of International Economic Integration (  1992  -  9999  ) Journal of Economic Integration
(  1992  -  9999  ) Journal of Economic Integration (  1992  -  9999  ) Journal of Economic Integration
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