Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0120-8942 ( Print )   |   2027-5366 ( Online )   Active

Journal Díkaion

Aim & Scope

Díkaion publishes articles, critical studies and reviews or unpublished reviews on all areas of law, with a focus on substantiation, that is, seeking to transcend the mere descriptive and normative expositions in order to face the critical and fundamental elements of the issues addressed. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1
4 RESULTS in 12 msec

The Resilience of Law: A Measure to Tackle the Ineffectiveness of Law

J Neira-Pinedaº

Díkaion , 2024 - VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-31.


0 19


Reflexiones sobre rigidez constitucional y democracia: pasado, presente y futuro en Chile

V Aylwin Fernandez

Díkaion , 2024 - VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-34.


0 31


Laicidades, reflexiones desde la jurisprudencia comparada: Colombia, Francia y Estados Unidos

L García-López

Díkaion , 2024 - VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-36.


0 17