Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0120-5609 ( Print )   |   2248-8723 ( Online )   Active

Journal Ingeniería e Investigación

Aim & Scope

The Ingeniería e Investigación journal has been in existence for more than 30 years. It represents a means for broadcasting teachers, scientists and technicians' work carried out in the engineering sector. It publishes articles about scientific research, original and unedited technological development in different disciplines related to engineering and other work contributing towards the development of engineering. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 44, ISSUE 2
8 RESULTS in 10 msec

A Novel Global Probabilistic Fuzzy System for Occupa-tional Risk Assessment (GPFSORA)

R Baeza Serrato

Ingeniería e Investigación , 2024 - VOLUME 44, ISSUE 2 , p e104181.


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Determining the Effect of Photovoltaic Module Surface Temperature on Generation Efficiency

C Karaca , S Yaver

Ingeniería e Investigación , 2024 - VOLUME 44, ISSUE 2 , p e106383.


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