Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0043-3144 ( Print )   |   2309-5830 ( Online )   |   0799-5199 ( Online )   Active

Journal West Indian Medical Journal (WIMJ)

Aim & Scope

West Indian Medical Journal (WIMJ) is a peer-reviewed scientific Journal that has been in publication since 1951, initially under the journal title Jamaica Medical Review, shortly after the commissioning of the University of the West Indies (UWI) as a College of the University of London in 1948. The UWI achieved full University status and became independent in 1962. The purpose of the Journal is to provide information of relevance to the Caribbean in a wide range of disciplines in or related to the health sciences, thereby facilitating communication between workers in these fields, and contributing to improved healthcare. The West Indian Medical Journal also publishes several annual supplements that include proceedings of the Caribbean Public Health Agency/Caribbean Health Research Conference, University Diabetic Outreach Project, Ophthalmological Society of the West Indies and Faculty of Medical Sciences Annual Research Conference and Workshop. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1947  -  1950  ) Jamaica Medical Review (  1951  -  9999  ) West Indian Medical Journal (WIMJ)
Inactive ( 1959 - 1959 )   West Indian Medical Journal - Supplement

N / A

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Companion / Sister Periodical(s)
1 RESULTS in 4 msec
Active ( 2014  -  9999 )   WIMJ Open

0799-3889 ( Online ) 
University of the West Indies

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