Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1060-9393 ( Print )   |   1558-0423 ( Online )   Active

Journal Russian Education and Society

Aim & Scope

The editor of Russian Education and Society selects material for translation from more than thirty-five Russian-language periodicals and newspapers, from empirical research reports, and from books. The materials cover preschool, primary, secondary, vocational, and higher education; curricula and methods of the subject fields taught in the schools; the pedagogy of art, music, and physical education; issues related to family life, employment, and youth culture; and special education programs. Journals and newspapers of ministries of education and higher education and the teachers' unions are also covered, as well as popular educational magazines for children, young people, and parents. The materials selected are intended to reflect developments in the Soviet successor states in educational theory and practice, in the relationship between education and society, and issues of interest to those professionally concerned with this field. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1958  -  1991  ) Soviet Education (  1992  -  9999  ) Russian Education and Society
2019 - VOLUME 61, ISSUES 5-6
5 RESULTS in 12 msec

From the Pleasure of Schooling to the Joy of Schooling

No authors listed.

Russian Education and Society , 2019 - VOLUME 61, ISSUES 5-6 , pp 207-216.


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Is the Mission of Teaching Authoritarian?

No authors listed.

Russian Education and Society , 2019 - VOLUME 61, ISSUES 5-6 , pp 217-230.


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The Dialectics of Everyday Life in Pioneer Camps: Romanticism and Regimen

No authors listed.

Russian Education and Society , 2019 - VOLUME 61, ISSUES 5-6 , pp 231-238.


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Educational Resources for Inclusive Education

No authors listed.

Russian Education and Society , 2019 - VOLUME 61, ISSUES 5-6 , pp 239-244.


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The Yo-Reforms

No authors listed.

Russian Education and Society , 2019 - VOLUME 61, ISSUES 5-6 , pp 245-269.


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