Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1747-9894 ( Print )   |   2042-8650 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care

Aim & Scope

International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care (IJMHSC) is a double blind peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal focusing on how international migration relates to health and social care issues, including mental health. IJMHSC welcomes research, viewpoint, technical and conceptual papers, case studies and literature and general reviews on: Refugees, including refugee children; Internal displacement; Migrants’ social networks; Family separation; Human trafficking; Integration of migrants; Labour migration; Asylum seekers; Undocumented migrants. IJMHSC is vital for everyone involved in research into or the provision of health and social care services to ethnic minority groups, migrants and/or refugees. The journal is a hugely valuable source of information for academics, students, practitioners, managers, migration and mental health services providers, policy-makers, commissioners, interpreters, voluntary organisations, local authorities, NHS Trusts and commissioning bodies, carers and service users. [1]

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