Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2234-8999 ( Print )   |   2288-2243 ( Online )   Active

Journal Korean Journal of Neurotrauma

Aim & Scope

Korean Journal of Neurotrauma (Korean J Neurotrauma, KJNT) is the official journal of the Korean Neurotraumatology Society and the Korean Spinal Cord Society, published biannually on 30th April and 31th October. KJNT publishes important papers covering the whole field of neurosurgery, including basic or clinical studies in central and peripheral neural injuries. In addition, studies that might be useful to the field of neurotraumatology including rare cases and technical notes on special instruments or equipment are also acceptable. Accepted papers will include original work (clinical and laboratory research), case reports, technical notes, review articles, letters to the editor, special article, etc. Review articles can be only published upon a specific request by the editorial committee of the KJNT. In addition, with the approval from the editorial board an author can publish special drafts. Case reports should be brief and avoid an extensive review of the literature. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2005  -  2011  ) Journal of Korean Neurotraumatology Society. (  2012  -  9999  ) Korean Journal of Neurotrauma
2024 - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2
9 RESULTS in 14 msec

Risk Factors for the Recurrence of Chronic Subdural Hematoma

S Lee , E Sin

Korean Journal of Neurotrauma , 2024 - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2


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A Rare Case of Delayed Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Catheter Migration Into the Heart: A Case Report

M Gil , W Lee , J Lee , ... , S Pyo

Korean Journal of Neurotrauma , 2024 - VOLUME 20, ISSUE 2 , p 125.


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