Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1460-8790 ( Print )   |   2042-8375 ( Online )   Active

Journal Housing, Care and Support

Aim & Scope

Housing, Care and Support (HCS) provides an arena for international information, debate, reflection and the dissemination of research on the wider role of housing in the development of healthy and inclusive communities. The journal is committed to keeping researchers and professionals alike up to date with all aspects of housing and related support. HCS is multidisciplinary in nature to reflect the broad community of researchers and professionals involved in the field. Each paper explicitly states implications for practice giving practical advice to inform future research, policy and practice. The journal offers a broad range of content, including: Evidence-based, peer-reviewed research articles; Policy updates and commentary on developments; Practice papers and reports; Narrative accounts of experience in working across housing, health and social care boundaries. Regular themes and topics include: Homelessness; Commissioning; Changing needs; Tackling exclusion; International perspectives; Building communities. [1]

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