Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0332-3315 ( Print )   |   1747-4965 ( Online )   Active

Journal Irish Educational Studies

Aim & Scope

Irish Educational Studies is an international, refereed journal. It is the official journal of the Educational Studies Association of Ireland (ESAI). The journal is dedicated to the advancement of educational research, both in Ireland and internationally. A primary aim of the journal is to ensure that educational discourse in Ireland remains grounded in perspectives that are acquainted with evidence from the various disciplines of educational research, and realities and complexities of practice; and that educational policy-making at all levels remains similarly informed and shaped by evidence and arguments that are educationally sound. Additionally, in an increasingly interdependent world, the journal and the Association are particularly mindful of global educational discourses, and how these impact upon policy & practice at international, national and local levels. [1]

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