Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0010-4485 ( Print )   |   1879-2685 ( Online )   Active

Journal Computer-Aided Design

Aim & Scope

Computer-Aided Design is an established international journal that provides engineers, designers and computer scientists in academia and industry with key papers on research and developments in the application of computers to the design process. Computer-Aided Design invites papers reporting new research and novel or particularly significant applications within a wide range of topics, including: CAD in conceptual design Design automation and optimization AI in design Geometric methods and applied computational geometry Surface and solid modelling Parametric, constraint-based, and feature modelling CAD interfaces to testing and analysis, including finite-element methods Design and planning for manufacturing, including numerical control, rapid prototyping and robotics Design and planning for assembly, maintainability, recycling etc Engineering data management and exchange, including design databases, component selection, product models, and life-cycle modelling Space and facilities planning and layout CAD user interfaces, including computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality Significant benchmarks, APIs, formats and standards in CAD Contributions are acceptable across a wide range of disciplines, including: Mechanical and production engineering Civil engineering, architecture and building Industrial and aesthetic design Papers in areas such as electrical and chemical engineering are also welcome provided they have a significant geometric component, and present developments likely to be of interest across other areas of CAD; Computer-Aided Design does not cover topics such as logic and process design. Types of Papers Ideal research papers will report significant developments, describe the relevant theoretical background, present a workable algorithm and give examples taken from real applications, stressing the practicality of the approach being presented. Application papers will present the results of using a CAD technique in practice, present ground-breaking results and/or analyse the application in a way that is likely to stimulate and influence research. Review papers are encouraged. They should give genuine insight into specific areas of CAD research and development. Letters to the Editor are invited on topics that arise from material published in the journal. Books for review should be sent to the Book Review Editor. [1]

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39 RESULTS in 22 msec

Isogeometric Size Optimization Design Based on Parameterized Volume Parametric Models

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103672.


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Design of Random and Deterministic Fractal Surfaces from Voronoi Cells

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103674.


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Advancing Front Mesh Generation on Dirty Composite Surfaces

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103683.


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Special Issue Editorial: Computational Modeling, Design and Fabrication for Textiles

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103684.


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Convex Body Collision Detection using the Signed Distance Function

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103685.


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A novel topological method for automated and exhaustive wire harness design

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103694.


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Robust Hole-Detection in Triangular Meshes Irrespective of the Presence of Singular Vertices

No authors listed.

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103696.


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Denoising Point Clouds with Fewer Learnable Parameters

H Sheng , Y Li

Computer-Aided Design , 2024 , p 103708.


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