Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0959-6526 ( Print )   |   1879-1786 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Cleaner Production

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as an interdisciplinary, international forum for the exchange of information on the technologies, concepts and policies designed to help ensure progress towards sustainable societies. It aims to encourage industrial innovation, new and improved products, and the implementation of new, cleaner processes, products and services. It is also designed to stimulate the development and implementation of prevention oriented governmental policies and education programmes. Cleaner production is a concept that goes beyond simple pollution control. It involves active research and development into new processes, materials and products which are more resource and energy efficient. Prevention is increasingly becoming the primary corporate and government approach for ensuring environmentally friendly and economically sound production and service provision strategies. Authors are invited to submit papers from the following areas: INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS including: Source Reduction process design modifications, incorporating "environmentally friendly" technologies equipment, piping or layout changes automation and control use of new technologies Environmental Management Initiatives environmental management systems environmental performance evaluation environmental reviewing and auditing life cycle assessment Operating Practices material handling production scheduling procedural measures management and better optimization by-product separation material changes/substitution product specification CLEANER PRODUCTION METHODS AND TOOLS including: product design and redesign environmental software waste minimization assessment environmental reviewing and auditing life cycle assessment and product improvement analyses risk reduction analyses total cost assessment LEGISLATION, POLICY AND REGULATION regulatory and policy initiatives designed to promote implementation of proactive and preventive approaches throughout society EDUCATION, TRAINING AND LEARNING kindergarten through university level education and life-long continuing education initiatives to promote sustainable societies [1]

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Series / Collection
4 RESULTS in 5 msec
Active ( 2020  -  9999 )   Cleaner and Responsible Consumption

2666-7843 ( Online ) 

15 205
Active ( 2020  -  9999 )   Cleaner Engineering and Technology

2666-7908 ( Online ) 

22 768
Active ( 2020  -  9999 )   Cleaner Environmental Systems

2666-7894 ( Online ) 

14 209
Active ( 1993  -  9999 )

  Journal of Cleaner Production

0959-6526 ( Print )  1879-1786 ( Online ) 

607 42634
2515 RESULTS in 138 msec

Advanced Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy for fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles

No authors listed.

Journal of Cleaner Production , 2024 , p 140366.


0 0


CSR beyond symbolism: The importance of substantive attributions for employee CSR engagement

No authors listed.

Journal of Cleaner Production , 2024 , p 140440.


1 0


Environmental investment timing and dual government incentives under uncertain carbon allowances

No authors listed.

Journal of Cleaner Production , 2024 , p 140441.


1 0


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
150 RESULTS in 10 msec

PubPeer Comment

Notonagemia Hyloicoides

2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

Notice of Retraction

X Jin , H Bao , Y Luo , X Ling

Journal of Cleaner Production

p 143159.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1


PubPeer Comment

Hoya Camphorifolia

2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Desmococcus Antarctica

2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 7

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Rhipidura Albiventris

2024 - VOLUME 2024, ISSUE 5

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0