Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0885-4300 ( Print )   |   1745-2635 ( Online )   Active

Journal Socialism and Democracy

Aim & Scope

Socialism and Democracy is committed to showing the continuing relevance of socialist politics and vision. Socialism and Democracy brings together the worlds of scholarship and activism, theory and practice, to examine in depth the core issues and popular movements of our time. The perspective is broadly Marxist, encouraging not only critique of the status quo, but also informed analysis of the many different approaches to bringing about fundamental change, and seeking to integrate issues of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and nationality with the traditional focus on class. Articles reflect many disciplines; our geographical scope is global; authors include activists and independent scholars as well as academics. [1]

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9 RESULTS in 13 msec

The Impact of Censorship on COVID-19 Policy Formation in the United States

No authors listed.

Socialism and Democracy , 2024 , pp 1-18.


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Building a Glocal Collective Actor: The European General Assembly of Couriers

No authors listed.

Socialism and Democracy , 2024 , pp 1-20.


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Non-Hegemonic Imperialism within the Capitalist World-System: A Rwandan Case Study

No authors listed.

Socialism and Democracy , 2024 , pp 1-40.


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