Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0218-8791 ( Print )   |   1742-6855 ( Online )   Active

Journal Asia Pacific Journal of Education

Aim & Scope

Asia Pacific Journal of Education will be published by Taylor and Francis from 2005. Its focus is on major shifts in educational policy and governance, curriculum and pedagogy, and in the everyday lives and practices of students and teachers in the Asia-Pacific Rim. New empirical and theoretical work, as well as critical and exploratory essays that focus on the impacts of modernity, postcolonialism and globalisation on education systems will be featured. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1978  -  1995  ) Singapore Journal of Education (  1996  -  9999  ) Asia Pacific Journal of Education
63 RESULTS in 28 msec

Language teacher wellbeing across the career span

No authors listed.

Asia Pacific Journal of Education , 2024 , pp 1-3.


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