Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1757-5850 ( Print )   |   1757-5869 ( Online )   Active

Journal International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research (IJMOR)

Aim & Scope

Operational research has become an indispensable tool in business and military applications. Modelling and analysis play major roles in abstract representation of business systems and data analysis and the subsequent generation of relevant information for making more accurate decisions. IJMOR covers new mathematical theory and applications in OR and management science models and techniques for solving problems in manufacturing and service organisations. Key problem areas include marketing, design, engineering, production, logistics, procurement, finance and accounting, information systems and supply chains. Topics covered include: Mathematical theory/applications; Applications of mathematics in management science; Innovative applications of mathematics in optimisation; Mathematics in developing computational theory/applications; Algorithms for efficient solution methodology; Mathematics of discrete/continuous/stochastic optimisation; Stochastic theory/models, statistical tools/techniques; Mathematical/dynamic/stochastic programming; Simulation techniques, AI/expert systems, machine learning; Control theory/methodologies, reliability; Mathematics of inventory theory/models; Queuing/transportation/location/network/game/scheduling theory/applications; Marketing models/optimisation, decision theory/support systems; OR mathematics in procurement/manufacturing/distribution/finance/accounting; Applied mathematical techniques in data mining/storage management; Supply chain management/modelling/analysis. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 28, ISSUE 2
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