Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1092-7026 ( Print )   |   1099-1743 ( Online )   Active

Journal Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Aim & Scope

Systems Research and Behavioral Science publishes original articles on new theories experimental research and applications relating to all levels of living and non-living systems. Its scope is comprehensive dealing with systems approaches to: the redesign of organisational and societal structures; the management of administrative and business processes; problems of change management; the implementation of procedures to increase the quality of work and life; the resolution of clashes of norms and values; social cognitive processes; modelling; the introduction of new scientific results etc. The editors especially want manuscripts of a theoretical or empirical nature which have broad interdisciplinary implications not found in a journal devoted to a single discipline. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1956  -  1996  ) Behavioral Science (  1997  -  9999  ) Systems Research and Behavioral Science
(  1984  -  1996  ) Systems Research (  1997  -  9999  ) Systems Research and Behavioral Science
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