Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0928-4249 ( Print )   |   1297-9716 ( Online )   Active

Journal Veterinary Research

Aim & Scope

Veterinary Research is an open access journal that publishes high quality and novel research and review articles focusing on all aspects of infectious diseases and host-pathogen interaction in animals. Food animals, companion animals, equines, wild animals (if the infections are of zoonotic interest and/or in relation with domestic animals), laboratory animals and animal models of human infections are considered. Studies on zoonotic and emerging infections are highly appreciated. Topics published by the journal include: New knowledge on pathogens (viruses, bacteria, protozoa, helminths, fungi and prions) and on host-pathogen interactions. Papers elucidating molecular mechanisms of interactions between hosts and microbes are highly appreciated. Immunity to pathogenic micro-organisms and systemic and mucosal immunology of infected organisms. This topic encompasses fundamental studies on the immune system of animals. The development and evaluation of new vaccines against pathogens will be considered. Epidemiological papers should provide new knowledge on pathogen-host interactions and/or host-population interactions related to infectious diseases. Manuscripts dealing with spread and/or transmission dynamics of infectious diseases will be favoured. Studies using mathematical modelling and developing or applying new epidemiological methods will be welcome if based on a biological application. It is important that manuscripts are of general interest, have a general applicability, and are not solely policy-oriented. Descriptive epidemiological studies, meta-analyses and studies providing information of geographically limited interest will not be considered. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1970  -  1992  ) Annals of Veterinary Research (  1993  -  9999  ) Veterinary Research
2024 - VOLUME 55, ISSUE 1
91 RESULTS in 22 msec

Non-coding RNA in the gut of the blood-feeding parasitic worm, Haemonchus contortus.

C Zhou , W Tuersong , L Liu , ... , M Hu

Veterinary Research , 2024 - VOLUME 55, ISSUE 1 , p 1.


  0 67


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
3 RESULTS in 13 msec