Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0233-1888 ( Print )   |   1029-4910 ( Online )   Active

Journal Statistics : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics

Aim & Scope

Publishes theoretical and applied papers related to the different fields of statistics such as regression and variance analysis, design of experiments, foundations of statistical inference, statistical decision theory, testing hypotheses, parameter estimation, nonparametric methods, sequential procedures, time series and statistical problems for stochastic processes, and statistical data analysis. It is expected that the papers give interesting and novel contributions to the theory at a good mathematical level, or a stimulating presentation of ideas in foundations or applications. A special section is devoted to survey papers on theory and methods in interesting areas of statistics. The journal also publishes proceedings of conferences, book reviews and announcements on related topics. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1977  -  1984  ) Mathematische Operationsforschung und Statistik - Series Statistics (  1985  -  9999  ) Statistics : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics
38 RESULTS in 13 msec

Safe machine learning

P Giudici

Statistics : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics , 2024 , pp 1-5.


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