Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1948-7185 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Physical Chemistry (JPC) Letters is devoted to reporting new and original experimental and theoretical basic research of interest to physical chemists, biophysical chemists, chemical physicists, physicists, material scientists, and engineers. An important criterion for acceptance is that the paper reports a significant scientific advance and/or physical insight such that rapid publication is essential. Two issues of JPC Letters are published each month. Subject Categories: Physical Insights into Quantum Phenomena and Function; Physical Insights into Materials and Molecular Properties; Physical Insights into Light Interacting with Matter; Physical Insights into the Biosphere, Atmosphere, and Space; Physical Insights into Chemistry, Catalysis, and Interfaces; Physical Insights into Energy Science. JPC Letters has emerged as one of the premier journals in the discipline by disseminating significant scientific advances in physical chemistry, chemical physics, and materials science. The authors use streamlined editorial processes to publish their important new scientific advances at a fast pace and thus are able to publish their research results first. The journal has consistently maintained a rapid publication time (the average time is 6 weeks from submission to web publication with a fully paginated citation) and thus offer authors the opportunity to stay ahead of the competition. [1]

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Series / Collection
4 RESULTS in 6 msec
Active ( 1997  -  9999 )   Journal of Physical Chemistry A - Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols

1089-5639 ( Print )  1520-5215 ( Online ) 
American Chemical Society (ACS)

1421 39536
Active ( 1997  -  9999 )   Journal of Physical Chemistry B - Biophysics, Biomaterials, Liquids, and Soft Matter

1520-6106 ( Print )  1089-5647 ( Print )  1520-5207 ( Online ) 
American Chemical Society (ACS)

1419 49304
Active ( 2007  -  9999 )   Journal of Physical Chemistry C - Energy, Materials, and Catalysis

1932-7447 ( Print )  1932-7455 ( Online ) 
American Chemical Society (ACS)

909 54395
Active ( 2010  -  9999 )

  Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

1948-7185 ( Online ) 
American Chemical Society (ACS)

448 16218
51 RESULTS in 13 msec

Nonadiabatic Tunneling in Chemical Reactions.

JO Richardson

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 2024 , pp 7387-7397.


0 79


Spectrally Stable and Bright Red Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes.

F Zhou , C Yi , J Wu , ... , J Wang

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters , 2024 , pp 7419-7423.


  0 24


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
8 RESULTS in 9 msec

Notice of Retraction

AO Hernandez-Castillo , C Abeysekera , JF Stanton , TS Zwier

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2023 - VOLUME 14, ISSUE 34

p 7650.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1


PubPeer Comment

Gerris Caucasicus

2023 - VOLUME 2023, ISSUE 8

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Ophioplax Custos

2021 - VOLUME 2021, ISSUE 9

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Elisabeth M Bik

2021 - VOLUME 2021, ISSUE 1

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

Trap-Mediated Energy Transfer in Er-Doped Cesium Lead Halide Perovskite.

F Jiang , W Zheng , Y Jiang , ... , A Pan

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2020 - VOLUME 11, ISSUE 9 pp 3320-3326.
  Retracted Publication
3 37

Notice of Retraction

F Jiang , W Zheng , Y Jiang , ... , A Pan

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
2020 - VOLUME 11, ISSUE 13

p 5021.
  Retraction of Publication
0 1

PubPeer Comment

Hypoxylon Ulmophilum

2020 - VOLUME 2020, ISSUE 5

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Hoya Camphorifolia

2019 - VOLUME 2019, ISSUE 12

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0

PubPeer Comment

Prohylesia Rosalinda

2019 - VOLUME 2019, ISSUE 1

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
0 0