Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1265-5449 ( Print )   |   2118-4496 ( Online )   Active

Journal Psychologie Clinique et Projective

Aim & Scope

Clinical and Projective Psychology is the official journal of the Society of Rorschach and Projective Methods of French Language. Since 1995, it has taken over from the Bulletin du Rorschach et des Méthodes Projectives . It hosts articles and works devoted to the study of normal or pathological psychic functioning, with or without projective methodology. Thematic review, it appears once a year. It is also open to off-topic articles. Its objective is to provide clinicians, therapists, researchers and students with clinical, theoretical and methodological insights based on the publication of original articles testifying to current research and clinical practices. Attentive to current trends in thought, it reserves a space for the work in progress of practitioners and doctoral students and favors dialogues and confrontations. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1962  -  1994  ) Bulletin de la Societe Française du Rorschach et des Methodes Projectives (  1995  -  9999  ) Psychologie Clinique et Projective
2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2
8 RESULTS in 11 msec


No authors listed.

Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 , pp 7-12.


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La troisième psychose

No authors listed.

Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 , pp 35-51.


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Un cas de tueur en série célèbre : et si le crime était dans le Rorschach ?

No authors listed.

Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 , pp 53-76.


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Apport du Scéno-Test dans l’évaluation des enfants avec troubles instrumentaux

No authors listed.

Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 , pp 77-92.


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Le « diagnostic progressif » : un héritage de René Zazzo

No authors listed.

Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 , pp 93-117.


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Adolescents auteurs de violences sexuelles : un diagnostic qui articule les approches individuelle et groupale

No authors listed.

Psychologie Clinique et Projective , 2023 - VOLUME 34, ISSUE 2 , pp 139-159.


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