Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2043-6106 ( Online )   Active

Journal Global Studies of Childhood

Aim & Scope

Global Studies of Childhood publishes peer-reviewed research about issues that pertain to contemporary childhoods in a globalised era. The impact of global imperatives on the lives of children has been significant. The experiences of childhood that take place within the situated spaces of geographic locales and culturally specific frames of reference are subject to global forces that complicate, disrupt and reconfigure the meanings associated with childhood/s on the local and global stage. Our conceptualisation of childhood refers to a socially constructed category whose parameters are not necessarily fixed by factors such as biological development or chronological age. GSC is therefore interested in issues that pertain to childhood, here broadly conceived, and the challenges these pose to children’s lives and futures in an increasingly complex world. Issues around what constitutes childhood are therefore fundamental to discussions, as are ways in which we need to ensure that all children have basic human rights and are protected from exploitation. We are therefore interested and concerned about the lives of children, young people and young adults in a globalised context. In canvassing and promoting quality research we hope to be better able to understand childhoods and extend our notions about the ways in which Global Studies of Childhood can make a contribution to educational, cultural and social theory in strategic and significant ways. GSC will enable the significant issues to be showcased and interrogated in a dedicated space. This will include interdisciplinary research, using various research design and methodologies. The primary audience for Global Studies in Childhood will be those in Education, Social Science and Humanities Programs, as well as professional educators and those involved in associated family and community services (for example, social welfare workers, health workers, and those working for NGOs). The journal aims to assist readers from a range of disciplinary and professional fields towards a better understanding of the substantive issues facing children globally. The multi-disciplinary focus ensures that the journal is relevant to professionals from a wide variety of inter-related disciplines that consider issues related to the lives of young children. For example, these may include social workers, allied health professionals and policy-makers as well as professionals who conduct research into the social contexts of education, literacy and numeracy, the new information technologies, the sciences and the arts. Additionally, it has a broad appeal to teachers and researchers interested in specific aspects and applications of curriculum, popular culture and social issues related to children and youth. [1]

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