Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1506-9680 ( Print )   |   1644-4345 ( Online )   Active

Journal Nuclear Medicine Review : Central and Eastern Europe

Aim & Scope

'Nuclear Medicine Review - Central & Eastern Europe' (NMR) is an opea access, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers which report original clinical and experimental research contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of nuclear medicine. The Journal also accepts review papers, clinical vignettes, letters and book reviews. Editors include editorials and also news on congresses and symposia. Since 2011 NMR has incorporated the scientific and educational output of the “Problems of Nuclear Medicine” – the former journal of The Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine. Nuclear Medicine Review is published twice yearly with first issue no later than January 31st and the second issue no later than July 31st. All papers are in full text English. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1987  -  2011  ) Problemy Medycyny Nuklearnej (  1998  -  9999  ) Nuclear Medicine Review : Central and Eastern Europe