Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0303-1896 ( Print )   |   2079-2883 ( Online )   Active

Journal Akroterion : Journal for the Classics in South Africa

Aim & Scope

Akroterion is published annually by the Department of Ancient Studies, University of Stellenbosch, with the financial support of the Classical Association of South Africa. The journal publishes articles in English or Afrikaans aimed at the non-specialist, covering all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilization, but focussing especially on the influence and reception of the Classics. Akroterion had its humble beginning in April 1956 under the name Newsletter/Nuusbrief. It was started by Prof. Frans Smuts, who was head of the Latin Department, and was primarily planned as a means of contact between the Department of Latin of the University of Stellenbosch and its old students. The name Newsletter was replaced with Akroterion in 1970. For more information about the history of the journal and the origin of its name, follow the link to the history of Akroterion. The present logo is based on the pedimental ornamentation of the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 1
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B MacDonald

Akroterion : Journal for the Classics in South Africa , 2023 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 1


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