Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1064-9867 ( Print )   |   2161-4504 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Pastoral Theology

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Pastoral Theology was established in 1990 by the Society for Pastoral Theology to: Further the understanding of pastoral theology as a theological discipline and to clarify the nature of the discipline; Maintain a view of pastoral theology as a constructive theology that emerges from the exercise of caring relationships, with attention both to present lived experience and to knowledge derived from the past; Provide an intentional forum for the voices of diverse persons, women and men, of many cultural and ethnic backgrounds; Foster multi-cultural understandings of issues in the discipline; Promote and encourage multi-discipline and multi-cultural research in the field of pastoral theology; Provide resources for those who teach and those who study, through recording current research and assessing the relevant literature; Provide for the construction of sound theological principles for guidance and critique of practices of pastoral and spiritual care; and Work creatively, through synthesis and construction, to define the frontiers and parameters of the discipline. [1]

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9 RESULTS in 13 msec

Restorative Justice and Pastoral Care: Shared Principles and Practices

No authors listed.

Journal of Pastoral Theology , 2024 , pp 1-10.


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Teaching Interreligious Spiritual Care

C Doehring

Journal of Pastoral Theology , 2024 , pp 1-14.


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The Conversion of Loneliness

R James , B Stevens

Journal of Pastoral Theology , 2024 , pp 1-16.


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Spiritual Care Lab as an Experiential Teaching and Learning Model

J Chung , A Lee

Journal of Pastoral Theology , 2024 , pp 1-18.


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