Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0730-6679 ( Print )   |   1098-2329 ( Online )   Active

Journal Advances in Polymer Technology

Aim & Scope

Advances in Polymer Technology publishes articles reporting important developments in polymeric materials, their manufacture and processing, and polymer product design, as well as those considering the economic and environmental impacts of polymer technology. The journal primarily caters to researchers, technologists, engineers, consultants, and production personnel. Subject areas include (but are by no means limited to): In addition to original research articles on advances in polymer technology, the journal welcomes focused review articles that examine the state of the art, identify emerging trends, and suggest future directions for developing fields. Structural mechanics and engineering; Polymer modelling and simulation, technology and engineering; Plastics, elastomers, and specialty polymers for specific applications; Multiphase polymers, polymer blends and alloys; Polymer composites and nanocomposites; Polymer stability, degradation, repair, and recycling; Polymer product design and application; Polymer manufacturing and processing equipment; Online monitoring (rheological, morphological, compositional); Economic and environmental studies related to polymer technology. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1981  -  1981  ) Advances in Plastics Technology (  1982  -  9999  ) Advances in Polymer Technology
2024 - VOLUME 2024
14 RESULTS in 17 msec

Modified Bitumen Materials from Kazakhstani Oilfield

G Sagitova , N Ainabekov , N Daurenbek , ... , G Takibayeva

Advances in Polymer Technology , 2024 - VOLUME 2024 , pp 1-10.


0 14


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
4 RESULTS in 11 msec