Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1479-2818 ( Print )   |   2633-4712 ( Online )   Active

Journal Practice Management

Aim & Scope

Practice Management is the leading source of information for the primary care practice manager to help run the general practice effectively. It features the latest news and innovations, management issues, legal advice and practical support dedicated to the practice manager. Regular features and columns in the journal include PM essentials – advice on issues you face within your practice such as infections control and patient management; legal and financial features with analysis of important legal matters and guidance on compliance; columns from high-profile figures in primary care and NHS management; and Innovations, with profiles on the latest products and innovative treatments in primary care. Practice Management believes that practice managers play a crucial role in the delivery of high-quality primary care and improving outcomes for patients. The magazine aims to support practice managers in their work by ensuring that they have access to the latest analysis and advice. [1]

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Digital self-help for mental health

No authors listed.

Practice Management , 2023 , pp 1-5.


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Digital self-help for mental health

No authors listed.

Practice Management , 2023 , pp 1-5.


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