Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0301-0422 ( Print )   |   2107-6952 ( Online )   Active

Journal Public Health Reviews

Aim & Scope

Public Health Reviews was a journal published for approximately 30 years in Israel that has subsequently gone out of print. Our current mission is to relaunch the journal aiming for a broader scope and impact than the original. The journal seeks to create its own niche in the public health lexicon by focusing on the publication of systematic review papers, that will place emphasis on the integration of current state of the art knowledge and translational issues, interdisciplinary approaches, diffusion of innovations, emerging public health issues and best practices, for the benefit of a wide audience, including SPH faculty and students, public health professionals, and policy makers. PHR will strive to be agenda setting, addressing evidence based policy and best practices with recommendations for the advancement of the field of public health in Europe and around the world. The journal will be published on a semesterly basis. Each Issue will be focused on one selected theme, although open to non-thematic reviews. Cross cutting components will be fostered in each issue addressing concepts such as health disparities, social determinants of health, education of the public health work forces, and health care systems. An editorial section will be included, expressing various approaches to the theme topic with a possible pro and con section, as well as editorial board position papers. Efforts will be made to respond and contribute to the EU health related agenda. Articles will be peer reviewed in order to establish and maintain the scientific integrity of the journal content. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 45
36 RESULTS in 17 msec

Acknowledgement to Reviewers 2023

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Public Health Reviews , 2024 - VOLUME 45


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The Transformative Power of Virtual Hospitals for Revolutionising Healthcare Delivery

A Vallée , M Arutkin

Public Health Reviews , 2024 - VOLUME 45 , p 1606371.


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The Influence of Educational Determinants on Children’s Health: A Scoping Review of Reviews

A Fillol , L Wallerich , MP Larose , ... , L Cambon

Public Health Reviews , 2024 - VOLUME 45 , p 1606372.


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