Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0790-1763 ( Print )   |   2009-0064 ( Online )   Active

Journal Irish Journal of Earth Sciences

Aim & Scope

Published by the Royal Irish Academy since 1984, the Irish Journal of Earth Sciences is one of the main Irish forums for geological papers. The journal publishes original research and review articles on Irish Earth science topics and on research performed at Irish institutions or of a general Irish interest. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1978  -  1983  ) Journal of Earth Sciences (  1984  -  9999  ) Irish Journal of Earth Sciences
2024 - VOLUME 41, ISSUE 1
6 RESULTS in 11 msec

Deposition in the northwest Porcupine Basin during the Cretaceous

No authors listed.

Irish Journal of Earth Sciences , 2024 - VOLUME 41, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-24.


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New light on the Oughterard Granite: Connemara's S-Type granite, Ireland

No authors listed.

Irish Journal of Earth Sciences , 2024 - VOLUME 41, ISSUE 1 , pp 33-43.


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The distribution and engineering properties of interglacial deposits in Cork city and harbour

No authors listed.

Irish Journal of Earth Sciences , 2024 - VOLUME 41, ISSUE 1 , pp 67-84.


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Structural control of the deposition and subsequent deformation of the Killary Habour-Joyce Country Silurian succession

No authors listed.

Irish Journal of Earth Sciences , 2024 - VOLUME 41, ISSUE 1 , pp 85-110.


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