Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0959-9916 ( Print )   |   1466-4453 ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Property Research

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Property Research is an international journal. The title reflects the expansion of research, particularly applied research, into property investment and development. The Journal of Property Research publishes papers in any area of real estate investment and development. These may be theoretical, empirical, case studies or critical literature surveys. There are two major areas of focus: Property investment . This covers topics such as the role of property as an investment class, forecasting of markets and property portfolio construction. Much of this research will be an application to property of techniques developed in other investment markets. Land development . This covers a wide range of issues surrounding the development and redevelopment of property. The focus may be financial, economic or environmental; urban or rural; public or private sector. In addition to research and review papers, the Journal will also publish regular editorials, book reviews and market review material. The Journal provides a forum for research in the field and assists researchers, private investors and developers and public authorities to keep abreast of new developments. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1984  -  1990  ) Land Development Studies (  1991  -  9999  ) Journal of Property Research
10 RESULTS in 28 msec

Urban ground leases: a cross-country comparison

No authors listed.

Journal of Property Research , 2024 , pp 1-21.


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Writing effective narrative valuation reports: the storytelling imperative

No authors listed.

Journal of Property Research , 2024 , pp 1-26.


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