Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0332-1592 ( Print )   |   2034-6506 ( Online )   Active

Journal Peritia : Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland

Aim & Scope

Peritia is devoted to the advancement of medieval studies in the broadest sense of that term (albeit from an insular perspective), including history, languages, law (canon and secular), archaeology and the ancillary disciplines. It is especially strong on Insular Latin, computation, and paleography, and it has carried notable contributions on hagiography, art history and archaeology, literature, Irish vernacular law, and the history of the later Middle Ages. It has a lively and wide-ranging review section. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 34
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Front Matter ("Contents", "Abbreviations")

No authors listed.

Peritia : Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 2023 - VOLUME 34 , pp 1-8.


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Hilarius Hibernensis, Poet and Exegete

D Howlett

Peritia : Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 2023 - VOLUME 34 , pp 47-87.


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The Irish Background of the Icelandic Calendrical Reform

M Males

Peritia : Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 2023 - VOLUME 34 , pp 107-122.


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The MacRegol Gospels: Observations and Conjectures

B Meehan

Peritia : Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 2023 - VOLUME 34 , pp 123-144.


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Cork Studies in Celtic Literatures

J Nagy

Peritia : Journal of the Medieval Academy of Ireland , 2023 - VOLUME 34 , pp 211-218.


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