Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1322-9214 ( Print )   |   2209-0134 ( Online )   Active

Journal Australasian Historical Archaeology

Aim & Scope

The Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology was first published in 1983, and became Australasian Historical Archaeology in 1994. The journal publishes all manner of historical archaeological research conducted in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. This includes the results of excavations and surveys, site recording, artifact studies, conservation management and specific theoretical studies. This material relates to historic sites and buildings, industrial archaeology and all aspects of settlement in Australia and New Zealand since 1788. The journal also reviews numerous studies relating to archaeology, heritage and museum studies more broadly. The journal is published by the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology, and provides the primary medium to convey the results of research in historical archaeology to a wide range of professional archaeologists and related heritage practitioners. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1983  -  1991  ) Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology (  1992  -  9999  ) Australasian Historical Archaeology
2002 - VOLUME 20