Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1695-2731 ( Print )   |   1989-5313 ( Online )   Active

Journal Arqueología de la Arquitectura

Aim & Scope

Archeology of Architecture is a scientific journal, annually, aimed at archaeologists, historians, historians of architecture and art, restorers, architects and professionals related to documentation, study and intervention in the built heritage. Its objective is twofold: on the one hand, it wants to promote frameworks for debate and exchange of ideas among scholars interested in architecture archeology and, on the other, it wishes to promote the creation of basic instruments that give coherence to the experiences carried out within this field discipline. [1]

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2023 - ISSUE 20
11 RESULTS in 1511 msec

Urban dining rooms in Lusitania: a metrological and morphological approach

No authors listed.

Arqueología de la Arquitectura , 2023 - ISSUE 20 , p e136.


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El acueducto de San Antón en Plasencia: historia y análisis geométrico y constructivo

No authors listed.

Arqueología de la Arquitectura , 2023 - ISSUE 20 , p e138.


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Técnicas de tradición europea en la arquitectura tardocolonial de la Puna de Jujuy (Argentina)

No authors listed.

Arqueología de la Arquitectura , 2023 - ISSUE 20 , p e142.


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El acueducto de “Els Arcs” de Manises (Valencia): hipótesis constructiva y cronológica

No authors listed.

Arqueología de la Arquitectura , 2023 - ISSUE 20 , p e143.


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