Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2042-6410 ( Online )   Active

Journal Biology of Sex Differences

Aim & Scope

Biology of Sex Differences considers manuscripts on all aspects of the effects of sex on biology and disease. Sex has profound effects on physiology and the susceptibility to disease. The function of cells and organs depends on their sex, determined by the interplay among the genome and biological and social environments. The study of sex differences is a discipline in itself, with its own concepts and methods that apply across tissues. Biology of Sex Differences is the official journal of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences, and a publication of the Society for Women's Health Research. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1
58 RESULTS in 15 msec

Sex and gender correlates of sexually polymorphic cognition.

L Cartier , M Guérin , F Saulnier , ... , RP Juster

Biology of Sex Differences , 2024 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1 , p 3.


  0 187


Dihydrotestosterone induces arterial stiffening in female mice

AC Horton , MM Wilkinson , I Kilanowski-Doroh , ... , SH Lindsey

Biology of Sex Differences , 2024 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 1 , p 9.


  1 59