Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1084-6654 ( Online )   Active

Journal ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA)

Aim & Scope

The ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) is the first publication devoted entirely to experimental work in algorithms and data structures. JEA is also the first on-line-only journal published by ACM, and it is available through a variety of protocols including http, ftp and ftpmail. Some features offered by JEA are:flexible access to articles which can be viewed on screen, searched on-line, or even printed in high-quality typesetting; multimedia articles which are useful in algorithm animation and graphics applications; interaction among readers and authors through email, a discussion group and annotations; on-line easy searching through the database of JEA articles, software and test data. JEA focuses on the following areas in algorithms and data structures:combinatorial optimization, computational biology, computational geometry, graph manipulation, graphics, heuristics, network design, parallel processing, routing and scheduling, searching and sorting, VLSI design. [1]

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