Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0003-5696 ( Print )   |   1613-0421 ( Online )   Active

Journal Antike und Abendland

Aim & Scope

The Antike und Abendland yearbook was founded immediately after the Second World War by Bruno Snell as a forum for interdisciplinary discussion of topics from Antiquity and the history of their later effects. The Editorial Board contains representatives from the disciplines of Classical Studies, Ancient History, Germanic Studies, Romance Studies and English Studies. Articles are published on classical literature and its reception, the history of science, Greek myths, classical mythology and its European heritage; in addition, there are contributions on Ancient history, art, philosophy, science, religion and their significance for the history of European culture and thought. Papers are accepted for publication in German, English, French and Italian. Reviews are not published. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1
10 RESULTS in 11 msec


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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp I-V.


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Antike im Plural Deutsche Altertumskonkurrenzen im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 1-20.


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La Tebe di Stazio come figura della civitas diaboli nella Commedia di Dante

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 44-57.


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L’amico, la moneta e l’Imperatore: Petrarca tra politica e restaurazione dell’antichità

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 58-75.


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Die maiestas als Antitugend? Zur Performanz der herrscherlichen persona in Giovanni Pontanos De principe

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 76-99.


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Ψεύσματα ποικίλα: Lukians Wahre Geschichten und Amerigo Vespuccis Berichte aus der Neuen Welt

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 100-116.


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Geschichte heilen: Urbane Interventionen und ihre Deutung durch den päpstlichen Hofarchitekten Domenico Fontana (1543–1607)

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 117-146.


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«Res sacra poeta est, inquit Plato». Filosofia e poesia nelle Prolusiones academicae di Famiano Strada*

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Antike und Abendland , 2023 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 1 , pp 147-169.


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