Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2090-7141 ( Print )   |   2090-715X ( Online )   Active

Journal Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

Aim & Scope

The Journal of Computer Networks and Communications publishes articles, both theoretical and practical, investigating computer networks and communications. Articles explore the architectures, protocols, and applications for networks across the full spectrum of sizes (LAN, PAN, MAN, WAN…) and uses (SAN, EPN, VPN…). Investigations related to topical areas of research are especially encouraged, including mobile and wireless networks, cloud and fog computing, the Internet of Things, and next generation technologies. Submission of original research, and focused review articles, is welcomed from both academic and commercial communities. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  2008  -  2010  ) Journal of Computer Systems, Networks, and Communications (  2011  -  9999  ) Journal of Computer Networks and Communications