Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0351-2851 ( Online )   |   2199-6067 ( Online )   Active

Journal Acrocephalus

Aim & Scope

Original work on all fields of ornithology, without any geographical limitation, is published in Acrocephalus. However, articles covering the south-eastern European and eastern Mediterranean regions are particularly encouraged. Review articles, original articles, points-of-view, specialist and scientific comments (Editorial, Forum), short communications, short notes ('From the ornithological notebook'), diploma abstracts and book reviews (New books) are considered for publication. Contributions can be published in English or Slovene. [1]

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2021 - VOLUME 42, ISSUES 190-191
4 RESULTS in 8 msec

Population dynamics of the Corncrake Crex crex in Slovenia in the 1992–2021 period

No authors listed.

Acrocephalus , 2021 - VOLUME 42, ISSUES 190-191 , pp 49-70.


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Human disturbance affects distribution but not nesting success of the Great Reed Warbler in a semi-urban reed habitat

No authors listed.

Acrocephalus , 2021 - VOLUME 42, ISSUES 190-191 , pp 71-78.


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Results of the January 2021 waterbird census in Slovenia

No authors listed.

Acrocephalus , 2021 - VOLUME 42, ISSUES 190-191 , pp 79-93.


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Rare birds in Slovenia in 2020 and 2021 – Slovenian Rarities Committee’s Report

No authors listed.

Acrocephalus , 2021 - VOLUME 42, ISSUES 190-191 , pp 95-116.


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