Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0013-7952 ( Print )   |   1872-6917 ( Online )   Active

Journal Engineering Geology

Aim & Scope

The journal is an international medium for the publication of original studies, case histories, and comprehensive reviews in the field of engineering geology. Included are all geological studies that can be relevant to engineering, environmental concerns and safety. The editors will consider papers on subjects such as aerial photograph interpretation for land usage, control of hazards from geological processes (earthquakes, floods, river diversions, land slips, etc.), assessment of geological factors affecting river behaviour, rehabilitation of groundwater supplies, field assessment of earthquake-generating faults, criteria for ground storage of hazardous wastes, techniques of reconnaissance, geological mapping for engineering, etc. To maintain a high scientific level all papers will be refereed by the Editorial Board. The objective is to produce a journal with international coverage that will contribute to the development of engineering geology as a profession. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1983  -  1991  ) Mining Science and Technology (Netherlands) (  1965  -  9999  ) Engineering Geology
166 RESULTS in 26 msec

Rockburst prediction and prevention in a deep-buried tunnel excavated by drilling and blasting: A case study

No authors listed.

Engineering Geology , 2024 , p 107404.


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New proposal to assess the seismic stability of shallow underground cavities in soft intact rocks

No authors listed.

Engineering Geology , 2024 , p 107408.


1 0


A new brittleness index based on crack characteristic stress and its engineering applications

No authors listed.

Engineering Geology , 2024 , p 107411.


1 0


Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
1 RESULTS in 6 msec

PubPeer Comment

Erythrobacter Gangjinensis

2021 - VOLUME 2021, ISSUE 12

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
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