Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2333-5777 ( Print )   |   2333-5785 ( Online )   Active

Journal Cyber-Physical Systems

Aim & Scope

Cyber-Physical Systems is an international interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing the highest quality research in the rapidly-growing field of cyber-physical systems / Internet-of-Things. Publications will cover theory, algorithms, simulations, architectures, implementations, services and applications of state-of-the-art research in this exciting field. The journal welcomes submissions in the following key areas of interest: A. Networks and Networked Systems where intelligent entities exchange information to achieve improved overall performance for both cyber and physical components. Particular areas of interests include: sensor, vehicular, robot, camera, aerial and social smartphone networks; wireless networking technologies and autonomous ad hoc networks; internet of things and machine-to-machine communications; networked infrastructure management with applications such as smart power grids and transportation systems network enabled computation, coordination, and actuation; scalability of complex networks. B. Modelling and Control where mathematical and computational methods are developed and applied to facilitate innovative design, in-depth analysis, and novel insights of the fundamental principles. Particular areas of interests include: control theory with a clear cyber-physical tone such as networked control, distributed optimization, and distributed learning; autonomy with applications in mobile sensor networks, internet connected cars, etc.; modelling of tightly integrated physical processes, software, computation platforms, and networks; C. Data Management where novel methods are developed to reliably gather, store, transfer, and analyse large amount of data and dataflow. Particular areas of interests include: data management and processing (e.g. big data, cloud computing); location and tracking based services; smart cameras and computer vision based context management; web of things. D. Software and Hardware where novel designs and implementations of test-beds, platforms, and software will significantly improve the speed, efficiency, and reliability of next generation CPS. Particular areas of interests include: embedded systems applications (pervasive computing, real-time control technologies); resource-constrained systems (low power, energizing, device miniaturization); standards and middleware. E. Other Emerging Areas where new challenges, new ideas, and new principles are shaping. For example, incentive, security, trust, and privacy issues in CPS; smart living technologies such as smart city, smart home and office, wearable devices, learning devices, etc.; social M2M networks, social impact of CPS, creative aspects. [1]

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12 RESULTS in 12 msec

Robust predictive path-following control of autonomous ground vehicle with input delays

No authors listed.

Cyber-Physical Systems , 2024 , pp 1-15.


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Multicore embedded sensing system based on lightweight neural network

M Zheng

Cyber-Physical Systems , 2024 , pp 1-18.


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A new target accessibility control method based on SMC

S Fang , H Li , L Liu , ... , H Liang

Cyber-Physical Systems , 2024 , pp 1-19.


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Maximum elastic scheduling of virtual machines in general graph cloud data center networks

No authors listed.

Cyber-Physical Systems , 2024 , pp 1-19.


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Hysteretic quantised security control for PDE systems under replay attacks

No authors listed.

Cyber-Physical Systems , 2024 , pp 1-22.


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Editorial Retractions, Expressions of Concern and External Notices
1 RESULTS in 5 msec

PubPeer Comment

Peromyscus Sejugis

2023 - VOLUME 2023, ISSUE 9

  Website - Forum Post External CQC
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