Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0037-2633 ( Print )   |   1708-1734 ( Online )   Active

Journal Service Social

Aim & Scope

Founded in 1951 and published by the School of social services of Université Laval, Service social became an online journal in 2002. A scientific and professional journal for social service practitioners and researchers, as well as members of other disciplines interested in social practices, Service social contains studies on the professional social services, analyses based on the principal social service disciplines, research results concerning different aspects of people's well-being, studies pertaining to the basic social service methodologies, information on social legislation and summaries of recently published works. Teachers, researchers, practitioners, administrators and students regularly publish in this journal of empirical works, scientific analyses, book reviews and other articles that reflect changing ideas and practices within various fields of activity. [1]

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2022 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 2
9 RESULTS in 19 msec

L’action communautaire, l’État et la collaboration partenariale au Québec

No authors listed.

Service Social , 2022 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 2 , p 51.


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À l’intersection de plusieurs réalités : quand la diversité sexuelle rencontre le milieu rural agricole

No authors listed.

Service Social , 2022 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 2 , p 87.


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Expérience et vécu des parents d’enfants trans et de la diversité de genre vivant en région

No authors listed.

Service Social , 2022 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 2 , p 107.


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Soutien à l’autodétermination des jeunes par des personnes intervenantes en maison des jeunes en contexte pandémique

No authors listed.

Service Social , 2022 - VOLUME 68, ISSUE 2 , p 125.


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