Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   1758-1907 ( Print )   |   1758-1915 ( Online )   Active

Journal Diabetes Management

Aim & Scope

According to World Health Organization estimates, diabetes deaths are projected to double between 2005 and 2030, and 5% of deaths worldwide can already be attributed to the disease. Effective treatment and, ideally, prevention are therefore vital goals in dealing with this global epidemic. Diabetes Management presents findings, analysis and commentary on the battle with Type I and Type II diabetes. Articles published in Diabetes Management address improvements in current therapeutics and patient compliance together with perspectives on future prospects. Coverage focuses on the key objective of stabilizing blood glucose levels in individuals with either form of the disease, and the associated issues of patient cooperation and education. The journal also reflects the frontiers of current research, such as attempts to recreate pancreatic cells through stem cell technology or islet cell transplantation, the development of a vaccine for Type 1 disease and the potential for biomarkers to be used for the detection. The increasing understanding of the molecular basis of the disease and associated genetics will play an important part in future diabetes management. Prevention of diabetes is a key issue. Diabetes Management discusses the impact of encouraging healthier lifestyles to reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and importance of education in this context and with respect to symptoms. Diabetes Management provides clinicians with the latest findings and opinions on the optimum therapies for reducing the disabling effects of uncontrolled diabetes. Recent research findings and advances clinical practice in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts. [1]

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2019 - VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1