Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   2066-5377 ( Print )   |   2068-9616 ( Online )   Active

Journal Environment, Space, Place

Aim & Scope

Environment, Space, Place is a transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary journal committed to values contributing to our rootedness to the earth and attunement to the environment, space, and place. Interdisciplinary is taken to mean that each discipline is encouraged to share its own particular excellence with the other disciplines in an open exchange. Transdisciplinary is taken to mean that contributors are required to make the "geographical turn." Meant in the etymological sense of "earthinscription" or the spatiality of meaning, the geographical turn frames or makes thematic the spatial aspect of any and all earthly / worldly phenomena. Established in 2009, the journal is published by Zeta Books in collaboration with the International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place. [1]

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2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2
7 RESULTS in 19 msec

Introduction: Spatial, Environmental, and Ecocritical Approaches to Holocaust Memory

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 1-13.


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Uncommemorated Sites of Genocide: Mass Graves, Pits, or Garbage Dumps? Vernacular Responses to the Holocaust in Poland

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 14-33.


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It Looks Pretty from a Distance : Eco-memory and the Vitality of Holocaust Landscapes in Poland

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 34-62.


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"Are You Trembling, Earth?": Nonhuman Nature in Literary Representations of the Holocaust

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 63-88.


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Remembering the Holocaust in the Anthropocene

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 89-110.


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Paris as a Material Witness in a Differend: Patrick Modiano's Dora Bruder

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 111-135.


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Environmental Violence and Natural Symbolism in Chava Rosenfarb's The Tree of Life : An Ecocritical Approach to Holocaust Memory

No authors listed.

Environment, Space, Place , 2023 - VOLUME 15, ISSUE 2 , pp 136-162.


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