Periodical (Book Series)

ISSN  :   0044-2356 ( Print )   |   2747-447X ( Online )   Active

Book Series Zeitschrift für Balkanologie

Aim & Scope

The profile of Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, one of the leading publication media on Balkan studies, corresponds to a teaching and research concept developed at the former Institute of Balkan Studies, Free University of Berlin, and continued, since 1997, at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. Its aim is to analyze the cultures of the Balkan peninsula in their linguistic and extra-linguistic manifestations, using methods that are cross-ethnic, across language families, comparative, and interdisciplinary-integrative. As a forum for academic discourse on fundamental issues of Balkan studies and research on Southeast Europe, respectively, the actual aim of the Zeitschrift für Balkanologie is to present research results that are as versatile, interdisciplinary and comparative as possible, on Southeast Europe in its broadest extent, reaching from Turkey to the actual Balkan area to Hungary. Topics range among linguistics, cultural and literary studies, ethnology, ethnography, and folklore. The articles are written by experts on Balkan studies and researchers on Southeast Europe from European and non-European countries, in German, English, French, Russian, and Italian. [1]

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2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2
24 RESULTS in 9 msec


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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2


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Vorwort und Einleitung

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 1-7.


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Dem Harrassowitz-Verlag zum 150. Gründungsjahr

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 11-12.


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Die Berliner Balkanologie in Lehre und Forschung und die Zeitschrift für Balkanologie

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 13-24.


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Die Herausgeberinnen und Herausgeber der Zeitschrift für Balkanologie seit ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1962

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 25-39.


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Günter Reichenkron oder Was die Romanistik zur Balkanforschung beitragen kann

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 41-56.


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Was wissen wir über die sozialstrukturellen Besonderheiten südosteuropäischer Gesellschaften?

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 57-70.


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Balkanforschung und Erkenntnisgewinn. Eine autobiographische Skizze

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 71-82.


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The Rise of Civilization and the Beginning of History in Europe – Deconstructing Outmoded Concepts of ‘Prehistory’

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 85-97.


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The Pre-National Balkans: A View without Hindsight Bias. Three Variations on the Theme of Religion and Ethnicity

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Zeitschrift für Balkanologie , 2022 - VOLUME 58, ISSUES 1-2 , pp 99-114.


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