Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0988-3754 ( Print )   |   1290-385X ( Online )   |   2804-7346 ( Online )   Active

Journal RAIRO : Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Aim & Scope

The journal publishes original research papers of high scientific level in the area of theoretical computer science and its applications. Theoretical computer science is understood in its broadest sense and comprises in particular the following areas: automata and formal languages, game theory, rewriting systems, design and analysis of algorithms, complexity theory, quantum computation, concurrent, distributed, parallel computations, verification of programs, “logic” and compilers, computational geometry and graphics on computers, cryptography, combinatorics on words. This list is not supposed to be exhaustive and the editorial board will promote new fields of research that will be worked out in the future. [1]

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Continuations / Journal History
(  1977  -  1985  ) RAIRO - Informatique Théorique (  1986  -  9999  ) RAIRO : Theoretical Informatics and Applications
2024 - VOLUME 58
15 RESULTS in 14 msec

Consecutive pattern-avoidance in Catalan words according to the last symbol

No authors listed.

RAIRO : Theoretical Informatics and Applications , 2024 - VOLUME 58 , p 1.


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Topologies for Finite Words: Compatibility with the Cantor Topology

No authors listed.

RAIRO : Theoretical Informatics and Applications , 2024 - VOLUME 58 , p 2.


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Synchronization of Primitive Automata

M Volkov

RAIRO : Theoretical Informatics and Applications , 2024 - VOLUME 58 , p 3.


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On a Test of Square-Free Morphisms

N Lam

RAIRO : Theoretical Informatics and Applications , 2024 - VOLUME 58 , p 4.


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