Periodical (Journal)

ISSN  :   0185-2450 ( Print )   |   0419-0890 ( Print )   |   1870-4913 ( Online )   Active

Journal Diánoia

Aim & Scope

DIÁNOIA has been published since 1955 by the Philosophical Research Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and the Economic Culture Fund (FCE) of Mexico. The months of May and November are published every six months. The magazine is characterized by its pluralism and openness to all philosophical currents. Its purpose is to promote and disseminate the original high-level philosophical production in the Spanish language. We publish only unpublished research products, with original results and that make innovative contributions to philosophical studies. [1]

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2024 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 92
4 RESULTS in 14 msec

Actitud tardo-ilustrada y optimismo científico en la Viena Roja

M Aimino

Diánoia , 2024 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 92


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La decisión de Hiparquia de Maronea

M Gardella

Diánoia , 2024 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 92


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Tolerancia lewisiana

E Méndez Pinto

Diánoia , 2024 - VOLUME 69, ISSUE 92


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